IFP Group Food Storage Supplier NZ

Our RAPID range offers cost effective solutions for stack and nest crates, security crates and produce crates in Auckland and NZ.

Cost effective economical plastic storage solutions in NZ

The Rapid range has limited colours and styles but offers incredible value for money. If aesthetics don’t matter but the bottom line does, this is for you.

Cost effective solutions don’t have to mean poor quality. Check out our range of Rapid plastics for commercial quality plastics without the price tag.

Security crate

For quality storage and transportation solutions for items that must be secure, our Rapid security crates fit the bill. They come only in blue polypropylene, but come in two sizes:

Large 72 Litre 600mm long 400mm wide 415mm high

45 Litre 600mm long × 400mm wide × 260 mm high

These bins do everything good storage bins do; they stack well and nest inside each other when empty. They also have a tamper evident snap-lock pin for security locking, so your financial records, pharmaceuticals or valuables arrive without theft or meddling.

They are large enough to store almost anything, yet are light enough to still lift and manoeuvre when full. The reinforced sides and hinges mean you don’t have to worry about the crates or their contents being damaged in transit or storage. Simply place anything you want in them, fold the lids shut, and insert the pin. The only way you can open the lid is by snapping the pin, making it obvious if it’s been accessed. You could also use a cable tie if security isn’t as important.

Stack and nest crate

For storage, you want crates that will last a long time and won’t buckle and fall. Our Rapid range of stack and nest crates are waterproof, hard-wearing and come in a range of sizes. They are food safe making them ideal for use for fish or other products that don’t cope well with exposure to air. They are easy to clean with steam or waterblasting, and nest when not in use to save space.

32 litre 645 × 413 × 200 mm blue only

42 litre 700 × 430 × 190 mm blue only

52 litre 645 × 413 × 276 mm blue only

54 litre 680 x 410mm x 260mm available in blue

54 litre 680 x 410mm x 260mm black only, not food safe, but reclaimed/ recycled product

68 litre 645 × 413 × 378 mm

Lid for 54 litre bin

Produce crates

The correct transportation and storage of food items is vital to ensure the product remains in optimum condition. Our Rapid range are food safe options that won’t break the bank and won’t break in transit either. Get your produce to where it needs to be and in optimal condition.

The vented pastry tray is ideal for bakers, confectioners, and pâtissiers. At 695mm long, 450mm long and 80mm high, the tray is great for food preparation and storage. It can be used for drying product too, as it is aerated. It stacks to save space in the kitchen, chiller, or in transit.

The range of produce crates suit a variety of different functions. All made from food safe plastic, these are great for farm-to-market delivery as well as storage. With vents, these crates are designed to keep your products fresh and cool in the chiller. The nylon bars make them easy to slide and stack, for optimal ease of use and storage while in transit. As well as transporting produce, these can also be used for bread products.

These are all easy clean products, with water blasting or steam cleaning making them as good as new again.

18 litre 600mm x 400mm x 105mm

38 litre 600mm x 400mm x 199mm

49 litre 600mm x 400mm x 245mm

80 litre 600mm x 390 mm x 400mm

Contact IFP today to talk about our Rapid range of plastic crates

If you need cost effective storage and transit solutions, the Rapid range is ideal. While the colour and style selections are limited, the quality is high and the prices are low. Commercial quality, built to withstand the rigors of transit and use in a tough industry, our food crates and storage options are hard wearing and highly functional.

We also have a large range of other products that may suit you too- just ask what’s right for you.

Contact us to discuss availability and minimum order quantities. Pop into our Penrose showroom at 327A Neilson Street, or give us a call on 09 636 9193.


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