
We were lucky enough to be recently involved with the lovely team at the Brook Waimarama Sanctuary. The Sanctuary is on the site of Nelsons former water works and aims to create a haven for native birds, reptiles and invertebrates where they can flourish in a natural, pest free environment.

The amazing community support that the Sanctuary receives has been paramount in creating a Visitor Centre, building pest proof fences, bridges for pedestrians (some are of wheelchair standard) and investing in educating the public about the importance of wildlife sanctuaries.

There is also a programme in place of reintroducing endangered and lost species, check out the recent release of tīeke – South Island saddleback into the Sanctuary – one of the first such reintroductions https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkQ3jpEeRGB7o-2_y54NRlw

Jane, one of the amazing volunteers, makes beautiful homemade jam which is sold at the Visitors Centre with all proceeds going to the Sanctuary. Here at IFP Group we jumped at the chance to donate some glass jars to this worthy cause https://www.ifpgroup.co.nz/product-category/packaging-containers/glass-jars/


You can see what they have been up to at the Sanctuary by visiting their website https://www.brooksanctuary.org.nz/

There is also a newsletter with all the latest information about what is happening at the Sanctuary https://www.brooksanctuary.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/eNews-June-2021.pdf



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